Thierry Furger, "Sgraffito" Solo Show at Kolly Gallery

After years and years of being into graffiti, it never occurred to me how that word came to conception. What does it mean? Where did it come from? Graffiti, actually came from the Italian word ‘graffiare’ which means ‘to scratch’. In fact, during ancient roman days, they utilized this style for formal architectural decorations. If it weren’t for Thierry Furger, I wouldn’t have done my research and leave graffiti to it’s lowbrow context.

Switzerland based artist, Thierry Furger will be exhibiting a series of works at Kolly Gallery titled, “Sgraffito”. In this show, Thierry introduced quite a seminal style (that I hope will later on be seen on his future works) based upon graffiti observed on trains. Thierry utilized graffiare or scratching as a form of glorifying vandalism.

The artist’s quaint scratched-out pieces on aluminum plates was an intersection intended for visual recognition of it’s modern and ancient connotation. In a piece titled, “Sgraffito 12”, he inherently scratch bold letters that writes, “L’ESSENCE DU GRAFFITI” on a aluminum sheet painted over a brilliant bright sea green background; a color most probably used for public rail transportation especially in Europe. The artist is simply being innovative by trying to escape the commonly use of aerosol spray cans.

Read on this small interview we had with Thierry.

Interview by Mark Changco.
Art by Thierry Furger.

Sgraffito 03, Scratched Acrylic on Aluminum, Thierry Furger

Tell us about your show.

On March 9, 2017 my show ‘Sgraffito’ will be presented at the Kolly Gallery. ‘Sgraffito’ comes from the Latin word that means, “to scratch”. The carved tags is probably the roughest form of graffiti, just scratching into the pure surface. I find this form of tagging very aesthetic, even if the letters rather look a little more simple come as on a normal day.

What’s different about this show from your previous ones?

It is a completely new series and from its look and style very different from what you know of me so far.

What will be your favorite piece in this show? Why?

At the moment I cannot say, I still have too little distance. But the more abstract the work the more I like it mostly.

Sgraffito 12, Scratched Acrylic on Aluminum, Thierry Furger

“Sgraffito” will have an opening reception on Thursday, March 9, 2017 at 6PM. And the show will run ’til the 8th of April.

To find out more about available works contact:

Kolly Gallery
Seefeldstrasse 56
8008, Zürich

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Follow Thierry Furger on Instagram @thierry_buffedpaintings
Follow Mark Changco on Twitter and Instagram @markchangco